ARA in Cakewalk by Bandlab: Under certain circumstances, Melodyne would crash when loading a session.The Note Inspector: The input field for Sibilant Balance now reliably accepts input even when multiple tracks are being edited simultaneously.Preferences: Previously, in ARA mode, the keyboard shortcut for “Playback Selection” was erroneously listed under “Others” instead of under “Transport Bar”.The Correct Pitch macro: When the macro was applied to a very large number of notes simultaneously, Melodyne would sometimes freeze.AAX in Pro Tools: When bouncing/committing, Melodyne now correctly evaluates the offline setting.Pro Tools: The position of the playback cursor in Melodyne is now correctly updated even when playback is stopped.

ARA in Cubase: When moving an ARA event to a track that is not selected, the selection in Melodyne is now retained.Recording: In the stand-alone implementation of Melodyne, you can now also use a recording device with a mono input (e.g.